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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

iOS 7

I'll be honest.. as much as I was excited about Apple's latest update to iOS 7, I was also very nervous for the change. I reluctantly updated my iPhone last week and after the initial shock of things looking different, I am now pretty comfortable with everything. It just took a bit of time, research, and playing around. 

However, this was my initial feeling about my "new" iPhone:

As our iPad minis are currently updating to iOS 7, I know some of you, like me, may be weary of the change and others will embrace it. (But, of course we know the kids will adapt.. except for maybe Jack :)

To help you with the change, I've collected some articles that can help you see the differences between the old and new. They definitely helped me as I embraced the change and figured it all out.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Back to School

After a nice long summer and a break from blogging, I'm so excited to share the fun things I've been finding and stockpiling all summer long!

Photo from Matt Gomez

First up, I found a blog post written by Matt Gomez, a teacher on the Technology Tailgate, entitled My Focus for Technology. I thought it was a great way to think about ideas for the upcoming school year, as some of you may have a goal to "use technology more in the classroom". He says we should be thinking about the learning first

"I love technology and strive to incorporate it in my classroom daily but my goals are never about the technology themselves. When I see a new tool I don't try to incorporate it simply because it is new and cool. It is important that I see an opportunity to encourage, foster or enhance learning with that tool. So I came up with the top reasons I think I use technology in the class."

Check out his blog post, where he also has linked examples for the top reasons he uses technology in the classroom. He has some really great and easy ideas for integrating technology into the classroom!