With conferences coming up, are you looking for an easy way to reinforce the home-school connection? Remind101 just might be what you're looking for!
I discovered Remind 101 from a blog post on Mrs. Stanford's page. It is a quick and easy way to send students/parents a short reminder of something happening in your classroom. She says:
"Long story short you invite parents to join by text or email and what the app allows you to do is shoot a quick text/email through their server to your subscribers!! This way you don't have to give out your cell number or anything! It works just like any major companies text services... You know those text 493493 to 32098432 to receive updates about blahblahblah?? Well this is it!"
Here is how it is set up after registering:
And this is what the parents will see:
They can also sign up via email:
To send everyone who has subscribed a message, you can use their website or an app you can download from them:
You can also schedule messages for later!! Have folders due each Friday? Why not shoot a text reminding parents Thursday night to sign and return them in the morning?
Did I forget to mention:
The only drawback is they can not respond back to the text... but maybe you don't want them to :)
If it's something you want to try with your class, I'd suggest setting it up and then hanging a poster or flyer outside of your classroom during conferences so parents can sign up while they wait to see you! Let me know if you try it and how it works!