Did you know that some new apps have been added to our iPads this year?
Spelling City is one of them! If you use the website with your students already, checking out the iPads might be a fun alternative. There are pre-made lists on the iPad already, or you can create an account and easily add lists for your students to use. Students would search for your name and then your spelling lists would show up for them to select- without giving them your username or password!
Spelling City is a fun way to learn spelling and vocabulary words by playing engaging learning games using any word list. The most popular activities are a spelling test, HangMouse, and the vocabulary games.
This is Hang Mouse:
I also found a teacher through the Technology Tailgate who has made worksheets to accompany the app. You can download them here.
My students love VocabularySpellingCity! We aren't lucky enough to have iPads in our classroom, but they play the games on our interactive whiteboard daily. The students who have iPads, iPhones, or iPod Touches have downloaded the app and give it rave reviews!
Teaching...My Calling