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Thursday, May 9, 2013

Photo Peach

Photo Peach is a website that you can use to create picture slideshows with text captions and music.

With Photo Peach you can...
Easily upload multiple photos at once from your computer.
Choose background music from Photo Peach.
Embed interactive quiz questions!
Easily email the video within Photo Peach
Set your slideshows to be public, unlisted, or invitation-only.

Here's how easy it is to make one:
Step 1 - Upload Photos

Step 2 - Choose Music & Speed

Photo Peach will then create your slideshow! The next step is to add captions, or create a quiz, if you'd like. Just click on Edit - Edit Caption and Photos. 

Then choose what type of caption you want.

Here's an example of a Bird Quiz

And an example of an Australian Heritage slideshow.

Want to learn more?

Check out this video:

I think Photo Peach would be a fun way to quiz students on vocabulary. Or save it for a Getting to Know You activity next year! Take pictures of each of your students and quiz the class on everyone's names. What a fun way to get to know your new class!


  1. Thanks for this great resource Lauren! I am excited to try it out.

    A Little Tech

  2. I'm excited to try this! I love all your technology apps and tips! I got my masters in digital teaching and learning in the 21st century (long name for k-12 technology ;)) My dream job is a tech teacher too! I'm your newest follower :)
