I hope you're going for the Gold this week in the #CEOlympics! I know a few people have excitedly told me the new resources they have found - even if you find just one new thing to use in your classroom over the next 3 weeks, you'll be more connected!
One easy way to get connected is just to "lurk".. AKA you just follow people and see what they put on social media. I know many of you are on Pinterest, so let's start with something you might already know :-)
Through a Connected Educator resource, I stumbled upon this Pinterest board that is has lots of resources to get started with getting connected:
So, even if you aren't a member on Pinterest, you can still view the resources that have been pinned to the Connected Educators board.
If you are on Pinterest, Kasey Bell from Shake Up Learning put together a list of the top 35 Educators You Should Follow on Pinterest. Some of my favorites are Sue Gorman, Matt Gomez, Edutopia, Erin Klein, and Vicki Davis.
If you follow someone from that list (or find a different educator to follow!), let me know and you'll get 50 extra bonus points this week!
Happy connecting!
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