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Thursday, October 9, 2014


Last week, I blogged about Connected Educator Month, which is ongoing during the month of October. And tonight, I practiced what I preach :-)

A connected educator is one who continues to learn by developing networks, and knowledge from wherever they live. They collaborate online, use social media to interact with colleagues around the globe, engage in conversations in safe online spaces, and bring what they learn back to their classrooms, schools, and districts!

I'll be honest.. I don't go on Twitter that often (you can follow me @iTeacherLauren). That's part of the beauty of Twitter. It's there when you need it and you can ignore it at all other times, if you want.  But, since October is Connected Educator Month, I've been trying to make a better effort to go on Twitter and connect with other educators. Tonight, I did an #elemtechcoach chat with other Tech Teachers from across the country. And it was so much fun! I never regret when I participate on Twitter - it's just setting aside the time to do so! The #elemtechcoach chat is every Thursday at 8pm, so it's my goal to participate from now on, as much as I can.

So here's where you come in...!

Lucky for all of you, I collaborated with @venspired and @johx1 tonight, and found out they are hosting the Connected Educator Olympics!



You are invited to participate in the first annual Connected Educator Olympics, a global competition where everyone wins... because everyone gets connected!

Central is one of over 50 schools participating in this event for the next 3 weeks. Medals will be awarded to the Bronze, Silver and Gold level participants and to the the schools! There will be prizes to top participants at Central as well!

Your challenge and the rules:

1. Spot the birds and Olympic symbols in the teacher's lounge...There will be several every week. Check your mailbox for the Connected Educator Olympic Events Chart (NOTE: some of the challenges are low or NO tech needed!). You will track your own points and submit them to me (Ms. Kolod) every week! Every person at Central (adults only) is eligible to play!

2. Our total points as a school will be submitted, by me, to the Global Points Board every week to see where we stand.

3. Stress is NOT allowed! I am your team leader to assist you as needed and to make this a FUN, low stress event all about CONNECTING! 

4. Share and help as many people as possible! If you know something someone else doesn't, help them out! (another form of connecting as an educator and learner)! Those who help earn more points!

5. Points: each challenge/activity is worth points. 1) Your CE Olympics Event Chart has the point total on them for you to complete... 2)The twitter birds in the teacher's lounge are worth a larger number of points and 3) ONE Special GOLDEN TWITTER BIRD is for 100 points every week! Try to locate this bird first!

I want this to be fun and a way for us to support each other! We are, after all, a Central family!!

Have fun! Don't hesitate to ask for assistance! And most importantly: Let's get CONNECTED!


  1. Great post! Would you mind if I shared your Connected Educator definition with my staff?
